WH Coltzer
Legal Services
As a building project moves along the pathway from concept to reality, rarely is the way clear of obstacles. Design flaws, unsuitable materials, faults in installation and workmanship all become obstacles that, given the proper oversight, can be corrected and cleared from the path to no longer hinder those who later travel upon it. Yet, what about the obstacles that remain? Is there a way to illuminate the pathway for all to clearly see the source of these obstacles?
W.H. Coltzer International is your agent that will eliminate the impossible, establish the probable, and recover the truth.
WH Coltzer pushes beyond the envelope through extensive forensic analysis, providing building owners and their legal counsel with critical insight for resolving building performance issues. Our comprehensive knowledge through all aspects of construction defect litigation, building failure analysis and expert testimony allow us to provide our clients with a clear path to dispute resolution.